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Age Representation in Timeline Planning
Age Representation in Timeline Planning
Gonzalo Podgaezky Folguera avatar
Written by Gonzalo Podgaezky Folguera
Updated over a week ago


At Timeline Planning, we allow financial advisors to develop financial plans with accuracy and reliability, thereby eliminating any discrepancies related to the calculation of ages and associated cash flows.

Enhanced Age Representation

Timeline Planning considers full years in age representation. This approach guarantees that all cash flow changes are accurately aligned with the new Year transition, thereby resolving any discrepancies or potential glitches related to the calculation of ages.


Consider a client born on 01/06/1963, with the current date being 01/10/2023, making the client 60 years old. Despite the client being 60, our refined simulation will commence when the client is 59 years old, as simulations initiate from the 1st of January. Consequently, various charts on our platform will display the X-axis starting at age 59, even though the client is technically 60 years old.

Tailoring to Specific Dates:

For advisors seeking to tailor contributions, incomes, or spending to a specific date—such as a client retiring on their 65th birthday—our platform allows the addition of an income source representing the proportional part of that year, with the full amount being factored in going forward. In this particular client, the age is retiring in 2029.

This feature ensures that every financial plan crafted is as close to the client's real-life scenario as possible, allowing for more personalized and accurate financial strategies.

Benefits of Enhanced Age Representation:

  • Elimination of Discrepancies: This age representation eradicates any inconsistencies related to age calculations, ensuring the reliability of the developed financial plans.

  • Accurate Cash Flow Changes: The meticulous consideration of full years guarantees precise alignment of cash flow changes with the client's actual age.

  • Personalized Strategies: The ability to tailor contributions, incomes, or spending to specific dates allows financial advisors to create highly personalized and accurate financial strategies, reflecting the client's real-life scenarios.


This approach eliminates discrepancies and enables financial advisors to craft more personalized and precise financial strategies, reinforcing the integrity and reliability of the financial plans developed on our platform.

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